Netanyahu said Trump issued a statement regarding the Iranians: “to the maximum presidency”.

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, announced he was on a campaign visit to Victoria, three days before defeating Donald Trump in the presidential election. This conversation allows you to determine whether to achieve a continuity in Orient Medio.

Netanyahu insisted that he enter the presidency and sign the document that Iran represents the world.

“Furon conversacións muy Buenos e importantes, conversacións destinadas a fortalecer un más la Solida Alianza enter Israel y los Estados Unidos. Estámos de acuerdo en lo que respecta a la Amazona Iranica, a todos sus components y al peligro que representa” , Affirmo el Primer Ministero.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Jamenei said that you are Asunto’s Minister of External Affairs to accelerate the construction of nuclear weapons.

“Official information about the damage caused by the destruction and the full details of the Nuestro program is completely clear. Over the past few years, as a recent discussion led by the Supreme Court, we have needed a protectorate for Iran. There is a need.”, declared Ismail Baghai, Ministerio of Asuntos Exteriores of Iran.

Iran intends to be a Trump if you want. As a sanction, the refusal to accept this type of complaint entails carrying out the prescribed tasks.

“Iran sabe que en el momento en que preste juramento se le aplicara la maxima presión”, dijo Aaron Cohen, experient de las operations especiales Israelis. “As I think I had to wait a few days. But actually, personally looking for those who participated. The Department of Justicia of the Estados of Unidos Aqaba gave information about it personally a Trump Known as”.

Meera: Analysis of CBN notice from Jerusalem

Moving to provide security to Israel’s security forces, Ayatollah Zemenei re-established Hezbollah, and incorporated Iran into his group.

“El enemigo no ha sido capaz de vencer a est organization y no lo sera, si dios quier”, Antonio Zamanei. “Ya el mundo y la region veran el dia en que el regimen siónista si claremente derotado por estos combatientes en el Camino de Ala”.

The Security Plan for the Defense of Israel continues to destroy Hezbollah’s infrastructure. Las tropes discubieran un gran complijo entrado debajo de un cementerio y lo eston relinendo con hormigan.

Over the weekend, Israel killed more than 2,000 Israelis in Amsterdam, who were involved in organizing brutal attacks on Juves as part of a crackdown on Muslim radicals.

Eran Zahavi, captain of the football club Maccabi of Tel Aviv, records: “Everything I have. It’s a very good time. It’s a living creature that is in our lives now, por desagracia. All the fans still love me. Afraid I still need Vivian to play and keep me as a football player.

Residents of Holland acknowledged the attacks by Israel’s Nuevo Ministry of Asuntos Exterior, Gideon Saar, Volo in Amsterdam and advertised in European countries where stories of attacks cannot be tolerated.

“El Islam radical no solo es peligroso para orient medio ni solo para Israel, sino también para la Sociedad Occidental”, Affirmo abstract.

Anadio: “If we are taking a Cabo Acuerdos to stop the Barbaros attacks in Las Calles of Amsterdam, the final no podres reconnocer la sociedad y el pas en el que vivez. It is a huge peligro hoy” .

Netanyahu established a rapport with La Haya’s de facto allies of Cortes International.

“In a case that is motivated by anti-Semitism and pretends to protect itself in order to seek justice,” Netanyahu declared.

El domingo, miles de ciudadanos hollandes salieron a las calls marchando y cantando para apoyar a israel y al pueblo judio.

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