Bertien van Manen, nomadic photographer of daily life, dies at 89
Bertien van Manen, nomadic photographer of daily life, dies at 89

Bertienne van Manen, a Dutch photographer who used point-and-shoot cameras to capture intimate images of China’s big cities and remote villages, the gloomy apartments and alleys of post-Soviet Russia and the daily lives of coal miners in Kentucky, died in Amsterdam on May 26. She was 89.

His STUDIO Manager Iris Bergman said the cause of his death at the rehab center was pneumonia.

Ms. van Manen was working as a fashion photographer in 1975 when a friend gave her a copy. “American,” An incredible collection of photos by the photographer robert frank In the 1950s he took a road trip across the United States.

“He was not in the business of making pretty pictures at all, yet that is what he is,” Ms. van Manen said. told Aperture Magazine. “Coincidentally, unintentionally – I thought his photographs were brilliant.”

Ms. van Maanen eventually swapped the high-end cameras used in fancy fashion studios for 35-mm Olympus MJU IIWhich retailed for less than $100 and was primarily used by consumers to capture holidays, birthday parties, graduation ceremonies, etc.

The cameras’ size and simplicity allowed them to disappear into plain view. “People felt less threatened by them,” he told Aperture. “You’re more likely to be with a guest who also takes photos, than with a photographer who is your guest.”

The cheap cameras produced photos that were sometimes blurry and overexposed — flaws that Ms. van Manen did not correct in the darkroom. To her, they were stylized metaphors for the chaos of life.

“There’s a kind of spontaneous intimacy in her work,” said Suzanne Kismaric, the former curator of photography at New York’s Museum of Modern Art, where Ms. van Manen’s work is located. Work has been exhibited. “He did that very deliberately.”

“A Hundred Summers, a Hundred Winters” (1994) captured post-Soviet life “in the most inaccessible places – ordinary people’s homes – to show us how millions of Russians live and sleep, what they eat, what their everyday lives look like, in their flats, at their tables, in their beds,” the Polish journalist wrote. Ryszard Kapuściński It is written in the introduction.

In “East Wind West Wind” (2001), Ms. van Manen recorded life in China’s discos, all-night theaters, airport restaurants and rural villages, as well as places she visited during several trips to the country. In “Let’s Sit Down Before We Go” (2011), she collects photographs she took from 1991 to 2009 in Russia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Tatarstan and Georgia.

Her only major work shot in the United States was “Moonshine” (2014). Ms. Van Maanen, the daughter of a coal-mining engineer, rented a pickup truck in 1985 and traveled alone across Tennessee, West Virginia and Kentucky in search of female coal miners.

“I had never traveled to the Appalachians before and was so impressed by the beautiful mountains there,” she said. wrote In The Guardian. “But I was not prepared for the human chaos. Occasionally, the miners had small houses, but mostly they were crammed into caravans, mobile homes or whatever they could build in the forest.”

In Cumberland, Kentucky, they met a coal miner named Mavis and her husband, Junior. Ms. van Maanen wrote in The Guardian that they shared a trailer, which housed “Mavis’s son Chris and Junior’s collection of 23 rifles.”

She stayed with them for four months, then returned several times.

One photo shows a child on a neighbor’s lap holding a gun. Other photos show Junior’s granddaughter applying eyeliner, his sister sitting in a rocking chair with her eyes closed and Mavis holding her dog.

“For some reason,” Ms. van Manen wrote “I was immediately welcomed,” he wrote in The Guardian. “The locals have a reputation for being aggressive, hard-drinking people, but I liked them. The rest of us wear masks and try to be nice, but they are what they are.”

Bertienne Henket was born on February 15, 1935 in The Hague. His father, Nicolas Henket, was an electrical engineer who worked in the coal mines. His mother, Erica (Baudouin) Henket, took care of the house.

While studying the French language at Leiden University, she worked as a model.

“I lost interest in it and thought I’d change things up. I’d be behind the camera instead of in front of it,” she told Aperture.

At a party she met fashion and advertising photographer Theo Noort, who hired her as his assistant. Later she began shooting photos for Dutch women’s magazines.

At that time, there were very few women fashion photographers.

“The models loved working with women instead of all those men,” Ms. van Manen told Aperture. “They felt free and didn’t feel like objects of desire. So I had a surprising amount of work.”

However, he found the work “hollow.”

When a friend gave her Mr. Frank’s book, she found it “so moving and so personal that I thought — this is the way I want to take pictures,” she said. told Art Review, 2005.

She married Willem van Manen in 1961. He died in 2008.

Ms. Van Manen is survived by her daughter, Willimine Van Manen; her son, Joris Van Manen; and a grandson.

Ms. Kismaric, the former MoMA curator, said Ms. van Manen’s style had been largely shunned in the world of art photography.

“A lot of the work now is already thought out, quite intellectual and less dependent on the photographic capability of the camera,” he said. “Bertien was very interested in making it clear to the viewer what it felt like to be in that place at that time.”

Kirsten Noyes contributed research.

Advertisement: Who cares? "Let’s start…
Advertisement: Who cares? "Let’s start…

Advertisement: Who cares? The initiative highlighted here at MediaVillage is gathering momentum towards a physical event to be held in London in September this year. Express your support here.
2024 analysis of trends and economic impact
2024 analysis of trends and economic impact

As we dive deeper into 2024, the pay-per-click (PPC) advertising industry continues to reshape. digital marketing landscape, This model, where advertisers pay a fee every time one of their ads is clicked, is vital in increasing traffic and revenue for online businesses.

Increase Expenses and Efficiency

According to a recent report from Market Analysis Group, global spending on PPC advertising is projected to exceed $190 billion in 2024, an increase of 12% from the previous year. This growth is not only a reflection of increased digital activity, but also of improved efficiencies in advertising technologies and targeting methods that allow businesses to reach their desired audiences with unprecedented accuracy.

Technological progress is promoting development

Technological advancements have greatly increased the efficacy and appeal of PPC campaigns. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms are now routinely used to optimize ad placement and bidding strategies, ensuring that ads are shown to users most likely to convert. A study by the Digital Marketing Institute found that AI-enhanced PPC campaigns can increase click-through rates by 15% compared to traditional methods.

Impact on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

The scalability of PPC advertising makes it especially beneficial for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In 2024, SMEs are informed for allotment An average of 45% of their marketing budget goes to PPC, up from 37% in 2023. This shift highlights the increasing reliance on digital strategies to drive growth. “PPC advertising has leveled the playing field for small businesses,” said one digital marketing strategist. ppc agency, “This allows them to compete with the bigger players by targeting specific demographics and regions with much lower advertising budgets.”

Challenges and ideas

Despite its benefits, PPC advertising is not without challenges. Cost per click (CPC) has seen increases across platforms, with Google Ads reporting an average CPC increase of 7% year-over-year. This increase in costs can be attributed to increased competition and sophisticated bidding mechanisms employed by the platforms. Advertisers must continually refine their strategies and improve ad quality to maintain a favorable return on investment (ROI).

Additionally, privacy concerns and regulatory changes, such as stricter data protection laws, are reshaping the way advertisers collect and use data. Recent updates to privacy regulations in the European Union and the United States have forced advertisers to adopt more transparent practices, which could potentially affect the severity of targeting that has been the hallmark of PPC effectiveness.

future outlook

Looking ahead, the PPC industry is poised for continued innovation and growth. The integration of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) into PPC campaigns is expected to provide immersive ad experiences that can further increase user engagement and conversion rates. Additionally, as voice search technology becomes more prevalent, there is a potential shift toward voice-activated PPC campaigns, which will represent a significant evolution in the way ads are delivered and interacted with.

As we move into 2024 and beyond, PPC advertising remains a dynamic and important element of digital marketing strategies. Its ability to adapt to changes in technology and consumer behavior will likely keep it at the forefront of advertising in the years to come.

Angel Reese takes over Chicago with historic ads around the city
Angel Reese takes over Chicago with historic ads around the city

Angel Reese was seen all over the streets of Chicago.
Using AI to put adoptable shelter dogs at the center of global advertising
Using AI to put adoptable shelter dogs at the center of global advertising

According to a new campaign from Pedigree, there are 12 million dogs in shelters around the world waiting for a home. To highlight its support of dog adoption for nearly two decades, the brand has introduced AI and machine learning to support even more adoptions.

Adoptable uses a special AI model to transform an original photo of a shelter dog into studio-quality photography. The image can then be used in any Digital Pedigree ad.

The first-of-its-kind initiative combines proprietary technology with Pedigree’s global advertising reach to transform the brand’s digital ads into commercials for shelter dogs.

“Adoptable is a transformational step for us at Pedigree. It puts our purpose at the center of everything we do. “Soon, our advertising will not only take our products around the world, but it will also carry adoptable dogs,” said Fabio Ellings, global brand director of Pedigree.

According to the brand, because Adoptable maps the new image of the dog to the CGI rig, the “digital dog double” can be placed in any pose to suit different media formats. Later, when the featured dog is adopted into a loving home, its advertisement may be taken out of media rotation.

“There is a universal similarity in every advertisement created by Pedigree around the world. There’s always a dog in it, said Simon Vickers, chief creative officer of Colenso BBDO.

“We thought, what if that dog was adoptable? By developing this technology, we can objectively address the business realities of FMCG brands. Increasing sales and product-focused work can now power our ambition to end dog homelessness.”

Pedigree said adoptability not only puts shelter dogs in the spotlight, but it also addresses another major issue affecting dogs, homelessness.

According to the campaign, currently, 1 in 5 dogs adopted are returned to shelters. Through geo-targeting and first-party data, Adoptable Match breeds people in the locations and homes that are best suited for them. EssenceMediacom and Hyper Media made sure the right dogs were seen by the right people.

The launch of Adoptable saw a significant increase in adoption rates. Within the first two weeks, 50% of the featured shelter dogs were adopted, with traffic to the shelter’s profile increasing 6x. Potential pet parents are 12% more likely to adopt when an adopter comes to a shelter through Adoptable Properties.

“Currently, 25% of our media spend goes to purpose-led causes,” said Mehgan Recker, global marketing manager. Adoptable gives us the ability to raise every media dollar we can to get behind our dogs looking for their forever homes. We know that if we can help shelter dogs get seen, we can also help them get adopted.

First launched in New Zealand, Pedigree’s global test market, the Adoptable technology is being refined and rolled out globally.


Client: Mars / LineageOS®
Agency: Colenso BBDO
Production: Nexus Studio
Media Agency: Essence Mediacom/Hyper Media

The CEO of Electronic Arts confirmed that the company is actively working to place advertising “inside our game experiences”.
The CEO of Electronic Arts confirmed that the company is actively working to place advertising “inside our game experiences”.

Battlefield 2042 (2021), an operator at Electronic Arts is infected with a Dark Protocol AI

Just when it seemed like the landscape of modern video gaming couldn’t get any bleaker than ever, Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson came up with the revelation that the company was actively planning to start placing real-world ads inside our game experiences. Is considering. ,

Cere Junda (Debra Wilson) prepares for her final battle with Darth Vader (Scott Lawrence) in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023), EA.
Cere Junda (Debra Wilson) prepares for her final battle with Darth Vader (Scott Lawrence) in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023), Electronic Arts

Connected: Despite such games being actively rejected by players, the Electronic Arts CEO confirmed that the next ‘Battlefield’ entry “will be another tremendous live service”.

This infiltration plan for star wars: jedi The future of the series publisher was first revealed by Wilson during the company’s Q&A segment Q4 2024 earnings callAs it was held on 7 May.

Asking one final question before the call ended, Goldman Sachs analyst Eric Sheridan pressed Wilson for his thoughts on “the market opportunity for more dynamic ad insertion in more traditional AAA games across different formats and what you think about it.” How this could lead to “revenue opportunities in the medium to long term”.

Battlefield 2042 (2021), an operator at Electronic Arts is infected with a Dark Protocol AI
Battlefield 2042 (2021), an operator at Electronic Arts is infected with a Dark Protocol AI

In turn, Wilson stressed, “I think it’s still early on that front, and we’ve been very, very thoughtful about advertising throughout our history in the context of our in-game experiences, But again, as we think about the many, many billions of hours spent playing, creating, watching and connecting, and where the majority of that engagement happens beyond the bounds of the traditional game experience, our expectation is that advertising We have an opportunity to become a meaningful driver of growth.”

“We’ll be very thoughtful as we move into this, but right now we have teams internally at the company that are looking at how we do very thoughtful implementations inside our game experiences,” he then concluded, “but this Also important is that we start to build community and harness the power of community beyond the boundaries of our games to change how we think about advertising as a growth driver in those types of experiences.”

Chicago Bears hover around QB Caleb Williams at Madden 24 (2023), Electronic Arts
Chicago Bears hover around QB Caleb Williams at Madden 24 (2023), Electronic Arts

next: Electronic Arts CEO believes ‘Battlefield’ could benefit from ‘Call of Duty’ becoming Xbox-exclusive

Notably, EA’s interest in allowing its titles to be used as real-world advertising platforms is far from a new development.

From small banners put up on the side of fields for Adidas in the 1993s fifa international soccerUntil the 2008s when billboards were placed on the streets of then-candidate Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. burnout ParadiseTO HIT THE PLAYERS OF THE 2020’S ufc 4 With a full blown ad for Amazon BoyReplay, the notoriously greedy corporate publisher, has long been attempting to use ad sales as another means of monetizing its games.

Burnout Paradise (2008), an in-game billboard for Barack Obama's presidential campaign featured in Electronic Arts
Burnout Paradise (2008), an in-game billboard for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign featured in Electronic Arts

And although such efforts are routinely and universally rejected by players, the overall negative sentiment towards in-game ads hasn’t stopped EA from trying to implement them – rather, it’s encouraged them to do so. Has inspired me to try to be more ‘subtle’ in my methods. ,

Recently, in-game advertisements were included in 2023 ufc 5 – However, rather than intruding on players during games, EA made their viewing completely optional, with players who choose to do so being offered in-game currency in exchange for their time.

Players are offered an in-game advertisement in exchange for premium currency in UFC 5 (2023), Electronic Arts (via Reddit user /u/Complaint_Rice27)
Players are offered an in-game ad in exchange for premium currency in UFC 5 (2023), Electronic Arts (via Reddit user /u/Complaint_Rice27)

next: EA reportedly cancels ‘Dead Space 2 Remake’ due to predecessor’s “low sales”, reassigns ‘Battlefield’ series and ‘Iron Man’ solo titles to dev team

This article is cited in:Andrew Wilson electronic Arts

more about:Video game

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Apple has apologized after being criticized in the industry press for showing objects being crushed by human creativity in an ad for its latest version of the iPad, angering artists.
Farewell to Ram Page: Advertising Manager Luke Shinkle |  features
Farewell to Ram Page: Advertising Manager Luke Shinkle | features

I can’t believe it’s time to graduate! I will definitely miss working for RAM Pages and I had a wonderful experience. I only got the opportunity to do the work this semester, but I would do it every semester if I could. After working as an advertising manager for Ram Pages, I realized that this job is something I would love to do as a full-time job after college, and I plan to pursue it. I would like to get my master’s degree in business at some point, so I can find myself back at ASU in a year or two… possibly. If not, I’ll be on a beach in Florida enjoying not having to do homework.

I want to thank my mass media professors who inspired me in my major and showed me what I could do instead of what I couldn’t do. I’m looking forward to the next chapter of life and I’m grateful for the friends I’ve made along the way!

“Advertising is based on one thing: happiness. And you know what happiness is? Happiness is the smell of a new car. This is freedom from fear. It’s a billboard on the side of the road that shouts reassurance that whatever you’re doing is okay. You’re okay.” – Don Draper, Mad Men.

Apple says it’s sorry for destroying musical instruments and art supplies to advertise its latest iPad
Apple says it’s sorry for destroying musical instruments and art supplies to advertise its latest iPad

Apple has apologized for a new ad after angering many people and says it is scrapping plans to air the minute-long ad on TV.

The ad, called “Crush”, is intended to emphasize the thinness of Apple’s new iPad Pro, and features a stack of media devices and art-making tools, including cameras, a piano and paint cans, which can be seen in a thin The film is crushed by a continuously descending metal plate.

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Thank you to our amazing advertisers

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