National Prayer Altar held at Museum of the Bible: ‘America’s future is at stake’

The Museum of the Bible will host the National Prayer Altar on Thursday, October 24.

This program is designed to unite believers in prayer and renew their faith in the power of the Holy Spirit to transform the spiritual climate in our country.

It is being led by Pastor James Ward Jr. of Insight Church near Chicago. He says he is on a mission to unite the church and heal the land.

“America’s future is at stake. As responsible believers and citizens, we must consider the world that our children and grandchildren will inherit. At this time, God’s people must come together and our nation We must pray like never before to preserve, resist the forces of evil, and see Americans turn to God,” Ward said.

Ward says the vision of the National Prayer Altar is not just another prayer meeting – but “a call” to gather.

“I believe this is a time when God is calling us to gather together – not just to pray differently but to stand in covenant standing before God and with each other as God’s people. To be and that is the heart of the National Prayer Altar,” he explained.

Ward says that God also moves when his people unite and intervene on behalf of a nation.

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