Israel continues to destroy terrorist attacks and terrorist attacks in Iran

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – Las Tropas Terrestres y la Fuerza Area Israel Siguen Destruyendo a los Terroristas y los Recursos de Hezbollah. For me, you have to inform that Israel is ready to install petrol pumps and is reacting to the history of Islam in the oil fields in the north of Iran.

Israel acted against Hezbollah and Hamas al mismo tiempo

El jueves y el vernes, los aviños israelis volviron a etcar objectivevos en beirut y sus alredadores. Another objective group in the era of Hezbollah’s intelligence was serving as the target of the last day of the terrorist organization, Hashem Saffieddin, who reunited with other officers who did not finish any work in the former.

In Ciudad Cisjordana, Tulkarem, various bodies were taken to a hospital local to the site, where Israeli attacks along with local residents of Hamas were carried out. Los palestinos ferman que el bombardio mato a 18 personas y hiero a muchas otras. Hamas promoted radicals in its territory in Tel Aviv.

Las troops to defend Israel a sur del Libano están cosando un gran nombre de victims enter los combatientes of Hezbollah. The FDI estimate is around 100 persons and one transcurso has been translated in the last day. At the age of 12, an official responsible sent Majdal Shams and Julio together to attend a football camp.

The head of FDI Portavos, Daniel Hagari, indicated that it took Hezbollah’s press office more than a year to decide whether Israel had an expanded infrastructure in Frontera, and said That a part of “Nuestros esfuerzos de segurarnos de que los residentes del Norte de Israel pueden regresar a sus hogres en condiciones de seguridad y sin la amaneza de Hezbollah en su puerta”.

Estados Unidos Intendant Controller La Respuesta Israeli el Attack Massivo de Iran

From time to time, Israel was prepared to operate for more than a week, so that Israel would have to withstand the bombardment of Iranian missiles for more than a week.

President Joe Biden admitted that he is attacking Israel for setting up petrol pumps in Iran.

This is the concern of an energetic analyst who helps you in paying the price of petrol.

Sarah Vakhsouri, SVB Energy International, confirmed: “If you are analyzing your valuables, you will definitely destroy your product and reduce the price of petrol”.

Union Europe’s alto cargo, Josep Borrell, was too busy occupying Israel to establish nuclear power in the Iranian regime. Emphasize that you are still dealing with the attacks and advise you about what you think about the radioactive fallout and how to destroy your installation.

“It is very dangerous and it has an extremely serious consequence that is impossible to calculate,” Borrell declared.

An experience from a Seguridad Consejo of Nación shows that all parts are in conflict with each other. Caroline Rodrigues-Birkett, Guyana’s ambassador before the ONU, declared: “Condenamos el real ciclo de violence y pedimos el fin inmediato de todas las hostilidades”.

Sin embargo, la violence continua. What happened in Yemen was like a Petrolero Britannico in Israel teaming up with a Petrolero Britannico attacking a Mar Rojo.

Offering FDI to Hamas in Gaza and doing anything to protect Hamas in Gaza, including Israeli troops living on its territory.

Iran has begun publishing a new video in which they gathered Israel’s Tehran despegando in Martes, where they came from. A video recorder is essential should a missile be fired at Tehran.

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