‘This is shocking’: Colorado church goes to court after city shuts down emergency shelter for homeless

A church in Colorado is suing the city of Castle Rock to allow it to continue serving its homeless population after local officials tried to shut it down. The church recently scored an early win with a federal judge, who ruled that the city must allow the humanitarian aid to continue while the case moves forward in court.

Rock Church has provided shelter for the homeless using an RV and a trailer behind its building.

Last year, the city council ordered the church to cease its activities, claiming it was in violation of zoning regulations.

The church responded by filing a suit, citing Biblical commands to help those in need and calling it an issue of religious freedom.

“The Holy Bible specifically and repeatedly instructs faithful Christians such as members of the Church to care for the poor and needy with mercy and compassion, who are facing grave misfortune and hardship,” the church argued in its application filed with the court.

Pastor Mike Polhemus added, “Our mission is to transform society by loving others as Christ loved us. This includes providing such support and outreach to the surrounding community that if we were to ever close our doors, the entire community would feel the absence of our church. It is shocking that the city is preventing us from providing temporary shelter and comprehensive assistance to those who need it most, thus helping to reduce the number of homeless in our community.”

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Now US District Judge Daniel Domenico The court has ruled that the homeless ministry can continue while the case moves forward.

“As the Church has asserted, and the City has not disputed, ‘the Church has never experienced any public-safety or other related issues in the course of carrying out this ministry, even though it has temporarily housed many individuals and small families,’” Judge Domenico explained. “Rather, the City is concerned about the precedent that would be set, suggesting that the Church may be allowed to attempt either very large housing projects or other institutions or individuals on its property.”
Mobile homes should be used in a similar way.”

Lawyers from the First Liberty Institute are defending the church in court, arguing that the city also interfered with the church’s ability to serve as a Red Cross emergency shelter. They say Castle Rock took it to the next level by retaliating against the church and even threatening the business license of a coffee service located at the church.

“Churches that step up to care for the homeless should be encouraged and supported, not vilified and retaliated against,” said Jeremy Dees, senior attorney for First Liberty. “It’s not enough for the city to prevent churches from using their property to provide temporary shelter for displaced single mothers and their children. The city is also trying to prevent churches from partnering with the Red Cross in times of emergency.”

CBN News contacted the City of Castle Rock for comment. The spokesperson responded, “Since this litigation is pending, we have no information to provide at this time other than what is publicly available in the court file.”

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