Farewell to Ram Page: Advertising Manager Luke Shinkle | features

I can’t believe it’s time to graduate! I will definitely miss working for RAM Pages and I had a wonderful experience. I only got the opportunity to do the work this semester, but I would do it every semester if I could. After working as an advertising manager for Ram Pages, I realized that this job is something I would love to do as a full-time job after college, and I plan to pursue it. I would like to get my master’s degree in business at some point, so I can find myself back at ASU in a year or two… possibly. If not, I’ll be on a beach in Florida enjoying not having to do homework.

I want to thank my mass media professors who inspired me in my major and showed me what I could do instead of what I couldn’t do. I’m looking forward to the next chapter of life and I’m grateful for the friends I’ve made along the way!

“Advertising is based on one thing: happiness. And you know what happiness is? Happiness is the smell of a new car. This is freedom from fear. It’s a billboard on the side of the road that shouts reassurance that whatever you’re doing is okay. You’re okay.” – Don Draper, Mad Men.

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