Fallout 4 Crucible Quest Guide

A guide to completing one of the new quests in Fallout 4, Crucible.

Fallout 4‘s next-generation update has brought with it additional missions, which of course means new loot has been introduced to the game in the form of settlement cosmetics, Power Armor, weaponry, and more. This update brings a couple of new weaponry additions to the game, and while you can get the Tesla Cannon with two different quests – Best of Three and Echoes of the Past – the Heavy Incinerator is only available through completing the Crucible quest. The Heavy Incinerator is definitely a weapon you’ll have a lot of fun with, and this isn’t an overly difficult or complicated quest, so it’s definitely worth going through.

Basic Objectives

  • Investigate Saugus Ironworks 
  • Read the Keeper’s note and search the toolbox
  • Read the Forged recruit’s note 
  • Use the terminal to move the crucible
  • Turn off the flow of liquid metal
  • Collect the buried items and craft the Flame Resistance mods
  • Take the Ghoul’s Slayer Heavy Incinerator out of the crucible

Trigger Crucible

As is the case with some of the other update missions, if you’re starting a new playthrough you’ll have to progress through the story until your character has reached a decent enough level before this particular quest will trigger for you, but if you’re picking up where you left off there’s a good chance you’re already there. If you don’t already have Saugus Ironworks available as a fast travel location, you can find it south of Parson’s State Insane Asylum, or southwest of Salem. 

Infiltrate Saugus Ironworks

You’ll face forged enemies both outside Saugus and inside, with the main objective to reach a locked door on the upper level. To access the locked door you’ll hack a nearby terminal, and once inside you’ll face the Forged Keeper, wielding a Flamer. Defeat the Forged Keeper and loot their body for the Forge Keeper’s Note. After reading this, you’ll learn that the Forged acquired the Incinerator and tested it on new recruits, with evidence of the fact in a toolbox upstairs. You’ll need Expert Lockpicking to get inside.

Finding the Reward 

The evidence inside of the toolbox is from a cheating recruit who explains that they attempted to use flame-resistant Power Armor legs to avoid being burnt. The recruit says they buried the legs below the crucible, which you’ll need to loot the Smelter Console Password from the toolbox in order to access. Head down to the ground floor and press the Molten Metal Flow Control button and press it, causing the crucible to move and revealing your reward – blueprints for the flame resistant legs.

To get the full reward you’ll need to craft mods for the legs using the Power Armor Station nearby using the following items:

  • 5 Adhesive
  • 6 Asbestos
  • 6 Ballistic fiber
  • 3 Rubber

Once you’ve crafted your new set of legs and attached them to your Power Armor suit you can make your way to the open smelter on the other side of the room and walk directly into the flames to collect the Incinerator hanging by a chain.

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